Friday, January 4, 2013

January 7-11

Happy New Year!

FYI from the Lunchroom
If your child buys lunch or milk, you can send in a larger sum of money all at once ($5-10). We will apply it to your account and each time your student buys milk or lunch it will be deducted from that amount. If you choose this method, you won't have to send money in each day that your child is buying lunch/milk.

Cultural Heritage Project
The cultural heritage projects were amazing!  Thank you for sharing your culture with our class.  We learned so much about various countries around the world.  The children really enjoyed learning about the foods, flags, clothing, and watching videos of the different types of dance.  We hope that your child shared something they learned with you.

Winter Clothes
Winter is here and so is the snow!  Please pack an extra pair of gloves and socks in your child's backpack in case they get wet. Also, if you would like to keep an extra pair of pants and socks at school, please send them in a large ziploc bag with your child's name on it. We will keep them in our classroom in case your child gets wet at recess and needs to change. Thank you! 

Language Arts
For the next two weeks, we will be learning about Antarctica through a non-fiction story called If You Could Go to Antarctica.  We will learn about the plants and animals that live there and other interesting facts.  Please ask your child what they know about Antarctica.  We will also be using the facts that we learned in our writing to persuade someone to travel to Antarctica.  Would you like to go?

We will continue to practice the activities and skills from previous weeks.  Please refer to the tip sheet that came home on Friday for additional activities that you can do with your child at home to reinforce and practice skills. 

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