Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cultural Heritage Project

Cultural Heritage Project
Dear Kindergarten Parents,

As part of the new social studies state standards, each kindergarten student will have the opportunity to create and present a project depicting any part of his/her own personal culture/heritage. The students also have the option of selecting a culture that he/she is interested in learning more about. The project will be completed at home and should include the following elements:

· Flag
· Map of the region
· Clothing
· Music/Dance
· Food/Recipes
· Holidays or Special Events
· Any other information of interest associated with the culture

The project could be completed in many different formats. Please see the back of this paper for ideas regarding the forms of acceptable technology to use to complete this project. The completed project should be sent to school on Monday, December 17. Each child will have the opportunity to share his/her project with the class during the week of December 17-21. We are looking forward to this new and exciting social studies project.

Thank you,

Mrs. Haughey
Mrs. Gallucci

The following are some technologies we recommend for use alongside your child. Pick ONE and learn alongside your child.

Google Presentations: (Similar to Power Point)
A screencast has been provided for you on how to access and use Google Presentations: If you choose to use this tool, you will need your child’s lunch code to access their Google account. Please email your child’s teacher to obtain that 4-digit code.

Mobile Devices: Try the iMovie App ($4.99 fee). The final product must be uploaded to a YouTube or Vimeo account.

Will need to set up a free account if using any of the following technologies.




Please email product link to your child’s teacher.

If you do not have access to any of these forms of technology, a poster is also an acceptable format for this project. The completed project does not have to be elaborate. Simplicity is best for this age group.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 26-30

Important News
  • We are looking for donations of any unwanted items around your house that can be placed in the "Trash Can Art" bin. This would include paper towel rolls, cupcake wrappers, wrapping paper, fabric scraps, stickers, cotton balls, etc. Don't throw it away! The kids would love to turn it into something unique!
  • Winter is coming and unfortunately that includes snow! Please pack an extra pair of gloves and socks in your child's backpack in case they get wet. Also, if you would like to keep an extra pair of pants and socks at school, please send them in a large ziploc bag with your child's name on it. We will keep them in our classroom in case your child gets wet at recess and needs to change. Thank you!
  • Book orders--Mrs. Gallucci's class are due December 5.  Mrs. Haughey's are due on December 4.
  • Do you have an old walkman that you don't want anymore?  We are looking for several cassette and/or CD walkmans that the students can use as individual listening centers.  Thank you!
Language Arts
The next three weeks we will be learning about cultures around the world.  We will be learning about the different homes they live in, types of transportation and the ways children get to school.  We will be comparing and contrasting what we have learned.  We will also be using the information we have learned to write in our journals.  We will continue to learn about blending and segmenting phonemes and medial sounds.

We will be solving story problems with manipulatives.  We will also be working on formation of our numbers.

Dads and Donuts

We had a great time at Dads and Donuts!  Thank you to all the Dads, Grandpas and special guests that joined us!  What a fun way to start the school day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 19 & 20

Important News
  • We are looking for donations of any unwanted items around your house that can be placed in the "Trash Can Art" bin.  This would include paper towel rolls, cupcake wrappers, wrapping paper, fabric scraps, stickers, cotton balls, etc.  Don't throw it away!  The kids would love to turn it into something unique!
  • Winter is coming and unfortunately that includes snow!  Please pack an extra pair of gloves and socks in your child's backpack in case they get wet.  Also, if you would like to keep an extra pair of pants and socks at school, please send them in a large ziploc bag with your child's name on it.  We will keep them in our classroom in case your child gets wet at recess and needs to change.  Thank you!
  • Dads and Donuts is on Tuesday, November 20.  Dad or a special guest may come any time between 7:45-8:45 for a special breakfast of donuts, coffee, and juice. Please do not leave your child unattended or in the classroom prior to 8:50 am. Thank you!
  • Practice tying shoes and zipping coats! Please make sure all hats, gloves, scarves, mittens, and snowpants are labeled with your child's name. 
It is a short week (Monday and Tuesday only) so we will be reviewing all previous skills. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!  Enjoy the time with your family!

Friday, November 9, 2012

November 12-16

Thank you very much for supporting our school levy!  We are so lucky to have such a wonderful community.

Important News
  • Our classes are so excited about the shoe tying contest!  We were all "tied-up" in the middle of the week, but Mrs. Gallucci's class is pulling ahead now.  It's not over yet!  Keep practicing!
  • We are switching our classes more often now as we make flexible groups for reading, writing, and more! 
  • Dads and Donuts is on Tuesday, November 20th from 7:45-8:45 am.  Dad or a special guest may join your child for a special breakfast of donuts, coffee, and juice.  Please do not leave your child unattended or in the classroom prior to 8:50 am.  Thank you!
  • Practice tying shoes and zipping coats!  Please make sure all hats, gloves, scarves, mittens, and snowpants are labeled with your child's name. 
  • Sight words
  • Counting
Language Arts
We will be reading several stories about Thanksgiving.  Our focus skill for the week is comparing and contrasting.  We will also be working on listening and writing the ending sound in words.  The students have been learning how to "chop" the words in order to hear each sound when writing. 

We are working on several activities to reinforce the numerosity of five.  One of the games we will be playing will be called double compare.  The students learned how to play compare (the card game war) in a previous lesson.  In this lesson, the students will be putting down 2 cards and determining who has the higher number. 

Have a great week!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Shoe Tying Contest

Mrs. Haughey and Mrs. Gallucci's class are having a shoe tying contest!  Which class will have the most kids who know how to tie their shoes?  When your child learns to tie his/her shoe, we will put their name on the chart/book.  We can't wait to see which class wins!

November 5-9

Important News:
  • Don't forget that there is no school on Tuesday, November 6th!
  • Tuesday, November 20 is Dads and Donuts!  Dads or a special guest are welcome to come and share a donut with your child before school. 
  • Tuesday, November 27 is Picture Retake Day.
Language Arts
We will be learning about bears through both fiction and non-fiction.  We will be comparing and contrasting the stories.

Sight words have also been a focus.  Please continue to practice the sight words at home.  If you child is very fluent (can say it quickly), then move on to the bonus sight words that come home monthly.

During writing workshop, we will be writing a sentence about where bears live in the winter. 

We have been learning the combinations that make 5.  Also, we are working on becoming fluent within 100.  We will be playing several games this week that reinforce these skills.

  • Counting to 100--Practice saying the name before and after a given number.
  • Try writing an "I like" sentence.  I like football.