Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 29-November 2

Important News
  • Mrs. Gallucci's class only--book orders are due on November 1
  • Mrs. Haughey's class only--book orders are due on October 31
  • No School on Tuesday, November 6
  • If you would like to donate any small trinkets for our classroom treasure box we would greatly appreciate your help!  Thank you very much!
Language Arts
This week we will be reading fiction and non-fiction books about bears.  We will be focusing on the skill of sequencing.  What happened first, second, third, and at the end?

Another skill we will be focusing on is positional words.  (on, under, beneath, in, above, etc.) 

This week we are checking in with our students on rhyming words.  Can you tell if these 2 words rhyme?  Can you find the rhyming words?  Can you think of a word that rhymes with the word that I say?

Don't forget to send back your "book in a bag" so that your child can continue to practice reading!

We will be doing several activities where the children will be practicing the number combinations that make up 5.  We will also be ordering numbers.  This activity involves putting number cards in order that are not necessarily in sequence.  For example, the cards they might have are 7, 4, 2, 9.  They would have to order the cards from least to most 2, 4, 7, 9.

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