Wednesday, February 18, 2015

March Benchmark Check In

Language Arts Benchmarks:

  • Can identify all uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Can isolate and pronounce the sounds in CVC words.  (c-a-t)
  • Reading Level C books
  • Can print uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Begins to use punctuation, spacing and begins a sentence with a capital letter
  • Writes to a single topic
  • In fiction texts, can identify characters, setting and major events.
  • Can identify similarities and differences between two stories.  
End of the year benchmarks:
  • Level D reading level
  • Comprehension of text in fiction and non-fiction.  The students can identify characters, setting, and major events in a story.  They can also retell the story in order with a beginning, middle and end.
  • Reading the 20 kindergarten sight words correctly
  • Spelling the 20 kindergarten sight words correctly
  • Writes an opinion piece (I think PE is the best special because we can play tunnel tag.)
  • Writes a narrative.  (I lost a tooth yesterday and the tooth fairy came.)
  • Writes a how to book including several steps (How to make a snowman.  First, roll a big ball.)
  • Can isolate and pronounce the sounds in CVC words.  (c-a-t) 
Suggestions for extra practice:
  • Read the leveled books found in the "book in a bag" every evening.  Please remind your child to bring home a new book each night.
  • Continue to support the comprehension of text at home.  When reading with your child, ask about the characters, setting, and to retell the story to you.  What happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the story?  Is this story similar to one we have read before?  How?  
  • Write at home about anything!  Let your child choose the topic and write as long as their interest level allows using inventive spelling.

Math Benchmarks:


  • Can identify numbers from 0-20
  • Has One to one correspondence
  • Can count to 100 from any given number
  • Can write numbers to 20
  • Understands addition as putting together and subtraction as taking away
  • Begins to solve addition and subtraction problems within 10 using materials
End of the year benchmarks:
  • can add and subtract fluently to 5 without materials
  • Can solve addition and subtraction problems within 10 using materials\
  • Understands place value (15 is 1 ten and 5 ones)
  • Shape identification
Suggestions for extra practice:
  • Continue to practice the math flashcards.  Try to see how many your child can do in a minute.
  • Practice writing numbers (especially teens!) in fun ways!  Draw the numbers in sand, shaving cream or pudding!  Make it with play-doh, etc.

What Have We Been up to in Kindergarten?

Dear Families,

Thank you to all the families who made our Valentine's Day so special.  The cards, notes, candy and gifts were so thoughtful!  We are so lucky to be your child's teachers!

Thank you,
Mrs. Gallucci and Mrs. Haughey

We have been working hard in kindergarten and have a lot to share with you!

Special Guest Reader, Mr. Kohanski (Lila's grandpa)

100s DAY!
We built a tower with 100 cups and 100 cards!

We made crowns to celebrate the 100th day of Kindergarten!

We strung 100 fruit loops on a necklace!

Valentine's Party

How to Make a Snowman Project

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 16-27

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Important News
  • No School on Friday (February 13) or Monday (February 16)!
  • Please make sure your child has the proper attire for outside recess.  
  • It is the time of year when it may be necessary to replenish your child's supplies.  Please check the condition of his/her folder.  We are in need of a few supplies for our classrooms.  If you would like to donate crayons and/or markers we would greatly appreciate your generosity!  Thank you!
Language Arts & Social Studies
The next TWO weeks we will be learning about Presidents, American symbols and Maps.  Can your child name one symbol they have learned?  We will learn about the Statue of Liberty, bald eagle, American flag, Mt. Rushmore and the White House.  The students will also learn that the President works in the Oval Office.  We will also learned about the first and current President.  Can your child name them?  We will also be creating maps of our classroom. 

Word Study Skill: digraphs--ch, sh

We are working on various activities that focus on subtraction.  We are also practicing counting to 100 focusing on the teens.  Please practice writing the numbers in the teens. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Valentine Information

Valentine’s List
         Our Valentine party will be on Thursday, February 12th.  If your child will be sending valentines to school, please be sure that he/she makes one for EVERY child in the class.  This year, we would like your child to just sign his/her name only on each valentine.  No need to address it with a classmates’ name!  This will help with the ease of passing out valentines in the morning. There are 23 students in Mrs. Haughey's class.   Mrs. Gallucci's class has 21 students.  Please send your valentines to school on Thursday, February 12th

Other names you may want to consider
(If you are sending valentines to any of the names below, please address the to and from section of the valentine)

*Mrs. Minrovic—Principal              *Mrs. Rogalski—Secretary
*Mrs. Haughey or Mrs. Gallucci      *Mrs. Kudley—Librarian              
*Mrs. Barnes—P.E. Teacher       *Ms. Jones—Music                     
*Ms. Mazzella—School Counselor   *Bus Driver

*Miss Carol and Miss Lynn—Classroom Aides