Friday, August 29, 2014

September 1-5

Quick Reminders
  • Please pack only ONE snack for your child each day.
  • Please remember a folder each day.
  • Please remember to wear your bus tag every day!
  • It is no longer necessary for your child to have a PE shirt!
Language Arts

This week we will be reading 2 stories, The Little School Bus and Big Yellow Bus.  We will compare and contrast these stories and talk about the characters in each story.  At home, as you read books with your child talk about the characters in the story.  We tell the children that the characters are the people or animals in the story.

We will continue to work on fluency this week through poetry.  The children have enjoyed the mystery color poems.  Have they shared these with you?   We will also look at a new poem called Get on the Bus.

We will also complete a Name of the Day activity each day until each child in the class has a chance to bring home a special book.  During this activity we work on letter names, sounds, and formation of letters.

Every week throughout the year we will do phonemic awareness activities such as letter names and sounds, rhyming, listening for the beginning sounds in words, compound words, and listening for ending sounds in words.  Please practice these types of activities at home with your child.  The best part of these activities is that it doesn't require any materials or take a long time.  All you have to do is say "Can you think of a word that rhymes with dig?" or "What sound do you hear at the beginning of ball?"  "What do you hear at the end of mug?"

Sight words this week: a, the

We are working on counting!  We want the students to be able to count to 100 by the end of kindergarten fluently.  This means that they can count starting from any number.  Can you start counting at 8?  Can you count beginning at 87?  We are also learning how to count by 10s to 100!We are also exploring our math tools such as attribute blocks, unifix cubes, and pattern blocks.

REVIEW:  Last week our focus was on rules.  What are the rules for the cafeteria, recess, bathroom, classroom and hallway?  Ask your child if they can share the rules with you.  

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Welcome to our new Kindergarten Families!   It was so nice to meet you!  We had a great first week.  We can already tell that it will be a wonderful year!

Quick reminders:
  • Please remember to wear your bus tag to school every day for the first 2 weeks.  Mrs. Haughey's class are bears and Mrs. Gallucci's class are frogs.
  • Pack a snack daily for your child.  Please try to pack it separate from the lunch.
  • Bring a folder to school each day.
  • Keep the PE shirt in your child's backpack because we wear them to all of our specials.  This helps our librarian (Mrs. Kudley), our music teacher (Mrs. Jones), and our PE teacher (Mrs. Barnes) learn names. 
  • Please remember to complete and return all forms.  Thank you!
Below is our contact information:

Karen Gallucci  330-562-6199 ext. 2218 or
Cyndi Haughey 330-562-6199 ext. 2199 or