Thursday, December 19, 2013

January 6-10

Happy New Year!

FYI from the Lunchroom
If your child buys lunch or milk, you can send in a larger sum of money all at once ($5-10). We will apply it to your account and each time your student buys milk or lunch it will be deducted from that amount. If you choose this method, you won't have to send money in each day that your child is buying lunch/milk.

The second quarter is coming to a close soon, and we are in need of a few supplies for our classrooms.  If you would like to donate LARGE ziploc bags, tissues or baby wipes we would greatly appreciate your generosity!  Thank you!

Cultural Heritage Project
The cultural heritage projects were amazing!  Thank you for sharing your culture with our class.  We learned so much about various countries (Germany, Italy, China, Ireland, Hungary, Ukraine, Costa Rica, France, Poland, and more!) around the world.  The children really enjoyed learning about the foods, flags, clothing, and watching videos of the different types of dance.  We hope that your child shared something they learned with you.

Winter Clothes
Winter is here and so is the snow!  Please pack an extra pair of gloves and socks in your child's backpack in case they get wet. Also, if you would like to keep an extra pair of pants and socks at school, please send them in a large ziploc bag with your child's name on it. We will keep them in our classroom in case your child gets wet at recess and needs to change. Thank you!

Language Arts
For the next two weeks, we will be learning about Antarctica through a non-fiction story called If You Could Go to Antarctica.  We will learn about the plants and animals that live there and other interesting facts.  Please ask your child what they know about Antarctica.  We will also be using the facts that we learned in our writing to persuade someone to travel to Antarctica.  Would you like to go?

Please make sure you send back the book in a bag EVERY day so that your child can choose a new one at his/her level.  Some children bring home the guided reading book and those MUST be returned the next day.

Please continue to work on the letter and sound fluency practice pages.  These are the pages where the children need to say the name of the letter or the sound of the letter in a minute.  We will be doing our winter benchmarking in the middle of January.  The benchmark for Letter Naming is 40.  The benchmark for Letter Sounds is 27 in a minute.

We will continue to practice the activities and skills from previous weeks.  Please continue to practice the addition and subtraction flashcards to 5.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 16-20

FYI from the Lunchroom
If your child buys lunch or milk, you can send in a larger sum of money all at once ($5-10). We will apply it to your account and each time your student buys milk or lunch it will be deducted from that amount. If you choose this method, you won't have to send money in each day that your child is buying lunch/milk.

Cultural Heritage Project
Please remember that your project is due by Monday, December 16 so that we can present them to the class that week.  We have already begun to share some of the ones that have been turned in.  The kids have really enjoyed learning about each country, finding them on the map, and comparing/contrasting them. It has been exciting to see the children share their knowledge with their peers and answer questions about their heritage. What a rich learning experience!

Have a wonderful winter break!  

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

December 2-6

Important News
  • Winter is here and unfortunately that includes snow! Please pack an extra pair of gloves and socks in your child's backpack in case they get wet. Also, if you would like to keep an extra pair of pants and socks at school, please send them in a large ziploc bag with your child's name on it. We will keep them in our classroom in case your child gets wet at recess and needs to change. Thank you!  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather!  
  • Book orders--Mrs. Haughey's are due on December 2. Mrs. Gallucci's class are due December 4.  
Language Arts
The next three weeks we will be learning about cultures around the world.  We will be learning about the different homes they live in, types of transportation and the ways children get to school.  We will be comparing and contrasting what we have learned.  We will also be using the information we have learned to write in our journals.  We will continue to learn about blending and segmenting phonemes and medial sounds.

Please continue to work on your Cultural Heritage Project.  Please email us with any questions.  The projects are due on Monday, December 16.

We will be solving story problems with and without manipulatives.  We will also be learning about place value.  For example, 34 means 3 tens and 4 ones.  34 also means 30+4.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Cultural Heritage Project

Dear Kindergarten Parents,

        As part of the new social studies state standards, each kindergarten student will have the opportunity to create and present a project depicting any part of his/her own personal culture/heritage.   The students also have the option of selecting a culture that he/she is interested in learning more about.  The project will be completed at home and should include the following elements:

·        Flag
·        Map of the region
·        Clothing
·        Music/Dance
·        Food/Recipes
·        Holidays or Special Events
·        Any other information of interest associated with the culture

The project could be completed in many different formats.  However, we highly recommend you use Google Presentation alongside your child.  You can:
·        Add pictures—digital camera, camera phone, google images (
·        Add video—digital video camera, smartphone, tablet, YouTube search
Please note the attached sheet that describes the ways to begin a google presentation and how to share it with your child’s teacher.

If you do not have access to technology, a poster is also an acceptable format for this project.  The completed project does not have to be elaborate.
        The completed project should be sent to school on Monday, December 16.  You can submit your project by sharing it to your teacher’s Google Apps account.  This process is fully explained on our attached guide.    Each child will have the opportunity to share his/her project with the class.  We are looking forward to this exciting social studies project.
                                                        Thank you,
Mrs. Haughey
Mrs. Gallucci

Creating a New Presentation
  1. Click on the Create new button at the top-left of the page. Select Presentation from the drop down menu.
  2. Add a title to your presentation.
  3. Add a subtitle to your presentation. Type in your name. Example, if your name is John Doe, type "John Doe".
  4. Click on the Slide button in the menu bar. Choose New Slide.
  5. Choose the Text slide.
  6. Give your slide a title.
  7. Begin creating your presentation.  Add text, pictures and/or videos as you discuss each aspect of the country you chose.
  8. When you  have finished your presentation, click on the View button on the top-left. Click Start Presentation. Watch your presentation.
  9. Click the blue Share button in the upper right corner.  It will ask you to name your presentation and save it.
Now click invite people at the bottom.  type in either or and then click share and save.  It will alert us in our email that your presentation is ready for viewing.  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 18-22 and November 25 & 26

Happy Thanksgiving!
We are very thankful for wonderful families like you!  

  • Important News
    • Winter is coming and unfortunately that includes snow!  Please pack an extra pair of gloves and socks in your child's backpack in case they get wet.  Also, if you would like to keep an extra pair of pants and socks at school, please send them in a large ziploc bag with your child's name on it.  We will keep them in our classroom in case your child gets wet at recess and needs to change.  Thank you!
    • Dads and Donuts is on Tuesday, November 19.  Dad or a special guest may come any time between 7:45-8:45 for a special breakfast of donuts, coffee, and juice. Please do not leave your child unattended or in the classroom prior to 8:50 am. Thank you!
    • Practice tying shoes and zipping coats! Please make sure all hats, gloves, scarves, mittens, and snowpants are labeled with your child's name.

    Language Arts
    We will be reading several stories about Thanksgiving.  Our focus skill for the week is comparing and contrasting.  We will also be working on listening and writing the ending sound in words.  The students have been learning how to "chop" the words in order to hear each sound when writing.  We are working on writing a book about Thanksgiving!

    Our K-5 Math Coach, Mike Lipnos, is working with our classes from now until the end of the semester.  We are working on several activities to model addition and subtraction using manipulatives up to 10.  We are also introducing the symbols +, -, =.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 11-15

Please check out the new link added called "40 Awesome Number Activities".  Please visit our website to see the list of Educational Links.

Important News
  • We are switching our classes more often now as we make flexible groups for reading, writing, and more! 
  • Dads and Donuts is on Tuesday, November 19th from 7:45-8:45 am.  Dad or a special guest may join your child for a special breakfast of donuts, coffee, and juice.  Please do not leave your child unattended or in the classroom prior to 8:50 am.  Thank you!
  • Practice tying shoes and zipping coats!  Please make sure all hats, gloves, scarves, mittens, and snowpants are labeled with your child's name. 
  • Sight words
  • Counting
Language Arts
We will be reading several stories about Thanksgiving.  Our focus skill for the week is comparing and contrasting.  We will also be working on listening and writing the ending sound in words.  The students have been learning how to "chop" the words in order to hear each sound when writing.

Our K-5 Math Coach, Mike Lipnos, is working with our classes from now until the end of the semester.  We are working on several activities to reinforce the numerosity of five.  We are also working on number recognition, counting and dice patterns.

Have a great week!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

November 4-8

Important News:
  • Don't forget that there is no school on Tuesday, November 5th!
  • Tuesday, November 19 is Dads and Donuts!  Dads or a special guest are welcome to come and share a doughnut with your child before school. 
  • Tuesday, November 14 is Picture Retake Day.
Language Arts
We will be learning about bears through both fiction and non-fiction books.  We will be comparing and contrasting the stories.  We will continue to discuss how we know if a book is fiction or non-fiction.

Sight words have also been a focus.  Please continue to practice the sight words at home.  If you child is very fluent (can say it quickly), then move on to the bonus sight words that come home monthly.

During writing workshop, we will be writing a sentence about where bears live in the winter.  We have been working hard on chopping apart the words to hear all of the sounds.

We have been learning the combinations that make 5.  Also, we are working on becoming fluent within 100.  We will be playing several games this week that reinforce these skills.  We are also reinforcing recognition of the teen numbers.

  • Counting to 100--Practice saying the name before and after a given number.
  • Try writing a sentence at home.  We tell our students they cannot say "How do you spell..." instead they can say "Can you help me chop?"  Help your child chop out the words that they are writing.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 28-November 1

Important News
  • No School on Tuesday, November 5
  • Please practice zipping coats!  
Language Arts
This week we will be reading fiction and non-fiction books about bears.  We will be focusing on the skill of sequencing.  What happened first, second, third, and at the end?

Another skill we will be focusing on is positional words.  (on, under, beneath, in, above, etc.)

Don't forget to send back your "book in a bag" so that your child can continue to practice reading!

We will be doing several activities where the children will be practicing the number combinations that make up 5.  We will also be ordering numbers.  This activity involves putting number cards in order that are not necessarily in sequence.  For example, the cards they might have are 7, 4, 2, 9.  They would have to order the cards from least to most 2, 4, 7, 9.  We will continue to work on skills such as counting, number recognition to 20 and number formation.

Star Student
Each week a child in the class will be the Star Student!  This means that they get to bring a poster to school to share with the class all the very special things about them.   Also, the students can write about the star student during literacy centers.  Mrs. Gallucci's class is on Star #2, and Mrs. Haughey's class will begin next week!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 21-25

Upcoming Events and Reminders

  • Conferences are this week!  We look forward to talking with you about your child.
  • Book fair will be open all week!  Wednesday, October 23 is Family Night 4:30-7:00 if you would like to come up to shop with your child.  
  • Friday, October 25 is the Fall Festival Party.  Please send your child's costume to school in a bag.  We will get dressed right before the party begins.  Please refer to the party/costume guidelines that came home in the Miller newsletter.  Remember no extra treat bags allowed!

  • Please practice tying shoes.
  • Don't forget to have your child switch their book in a bag.
Literacy Center Switch
We have started switching for Literacy Centers.  Your child will be in either Mrs. Gallucci's or Mrs. Haughey's class for an hour and a half for literacy centers.  Ask your child about which room they are in for centers. 
Language Arts

We are writing to compose opinion pieces.  We write to tell how we feel about a topic.  For example, how do you feel about the fall?

We will begin a unit on the seasons and weather.  We will be reading both non-fiction and fiction books about these topics.  While reading these books, we will focus on main idea and comparing and contrasting.  We will also be writing about the things we see during each  of the seasons.

We will be playing a game called Compare.  This math game is similar to the card game "war".  The person with the highest number card keeps both cards.  This will reinforce the skill of comparing two collections.
Also, we are working on learning domino patterns.  We want the students to be able to see a domino pattern (or dice) and recognize the number it is without counting the dots.  We will be using this when we teach addition.  We encourage working with dominoes or dice when working with your child at home.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 30-October 4 and October 7-11

Picture day is on Thursday, October 3!

Important News
  • This week a reminder will be coming home regarding your conference date and time. Please confirm by signing the form and sending it back to school with your child.
  • Remember to send your picture envelopes to school on Thursday!
  • Thank you to the parent volunteers who attended the Farm field trip with us! 
Language Arts

We will begin a unit on apples that will last two weeks.  We will be reading several stories, fiction and non-fiction, about animals and the seasons.  This works perfectly with our Lake Farmpark field trip.  During the field trip, the children learned how to make apple cider from the apples at the farm.  They even had an opportunity to taste apple cider!  We will continue practicing fluency with the Apple, Apple on the Tree poem in our poetry folder.

Phonemic Awareness skills:  letter names, letter sounds, ending sounds, syllables

Practice sight words!  We would like the children to know 5 sight words by the end of October.


We will continue our unit on counting.  We have learned some strategies for careful counting.  Ask your child to share these strategies with you.  Also, we are practicing counting from any given number.  We have been practicing counting by 10s to 100.  We are also working hard to learn what number comes next when crossing over a decade.  What number comes after 29, 39, 49...

Friday, September 20, 2013

September 16-20 & 23-27

Lake Farmpark Information

We are all set for our field trip to Lake Farmpark on Tuesday, September 24.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather!  We will be outside even if it is rainy.  Also, please make sure your child brings a packed lunch.  Please pack in a disposable bag so that we can throw all items away after lunch.  Thank you!  We are looking forward to our trip!

  • Please put all notes to the teacher or office on a large sheet of paper.  Small notes (like post-its) tend to get lost.  Thank you!
  • Review letters and sounds with your child daily.  How quickly can your child name the letters? 
  • If your child knows his/her letters and sounds, practice the sight words.  Start with only a few words at a time. 
  • Ask your child to name the characters and/or setting in a story you read together. 
Books in a Bag
  • Your child should be bringing home a book in a ziploc bag.  Read this book with your child and return it as soon as you are finished.   Your child will then choose a new book to take home.  They might bring back the same book if they really like it!
Language Arts
We have been learning about the farm.  We are reading several stories about the farm and farm animals.  We will be using these stories to learn about characters, setting, cause and effect and sequencing.

The focus for the next 2 weeks includes:
  • rhyming
  • letters and sounds
  • final sounds
  • syllables
  • Left to right directionality
Sight words--the, a, in, and, is, on


In math, we are learning addition and subtraction to five with materials.  Also, we practice counting from any given number to 100 forward and backward.

Friday, September 6, 2013

September 9-13

Book Baskets
Each student in our classroom has his/her own basket of books.  We use these baskets to do an activity called "Read to Self".  For this activity, each child finds a quiet spot in the classroom with their book basket to read the books inside.  Each child has several books in the basket.  Some of the books are chosen by the student according to his/her interest (princess, baseball, animal, Clifford, etc.)  The other books are on their reading level.  If your child would like to bring a book from home to put in his/her basket, we encourage it!  This is the introduction to one of our Daily 5 literacy centers.

The students were taught that there are 3 ways to read a book.  The first way is to read the pictures.  We modeled for the students how to use the pictures to read the book to themselves.  The second way is to read the words in the story.  The third way is to retell a story that they have heard before.  Some students may have a book in their basket that they have read before such as Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  Now, the student can retell the story as he/she reads the pages.

Also, in the coming weeks, each student will receive a "book in a bag".  This book will also be on your child's reading level.  Please read this story with your child or have your child read it to you and then send it back to school so that your child can choose a new one.

Important Notes:
  • Wednesday is September 11 so wear red, white and blue!
  • We do not need to wear our bus tags anymore.  Thank you for always remembering to send it to school each day!
  • HOMEWORK--Have you played a rhyming game with your child?  Practice rhyming by asking your child if two words rhyme.  (Do cake and rake rhyme?) Also, try asking your child to think of a word that rhymes with a word you say.  (Can you think of a word that rhymes with sun?)
Language Arts
This week our stories will be about our five senses.  We will be reading both fiction and non-fiction books.  We will be experiencing all of the senses, except tasting, during our activities this week.

We will continue our practice of phonemic awareness with our "blue book" activities.  We will focus on rhyming.

Handwriting:  We will continue with Frog Jump Capitals ( F, E, D, P, B, R, N, M)

We are working on saying the number before and after any given number from 0-30.  What number comes before 18?  What number comes after 12?

Science:  5 senses

Friday, August 30, 2013

September 3-6

Quick Reminders
  • It is no longer necessary to wear PE shirts.  
  • Please pack only ONE snack for your child each day.
  • Please remember a folder each day.
  • Mrs. Gallucci's class only--Book orders are due on Wednesday, September 4.   Thank you!
Language Arts

This week we will be reading 2 stories, The Little School Bus and Big Yellow Bus.  We will compare and contrast these stories and talk about the characters in each story.  At home, as you read books with your child talk about the characters in the story.  We tell the children that the characters are the people or animals in the story.

We will continue to work on fluency this week through poetry.  The children have enjoyed the mystery color poems.  Have they shared these with you?   We will also look at a new poem called Get on the Bus.

We will also complete a Name of the Day activity each day until each child in the class has a chance to bring home a special book.  During this activity we work on letter names, sounds, and formation of letters.

Every week throughout the year we will do phonemic awareness activities such as letter names and sounds, rhyming, listening for the beginning sounds in words, compound words, and listening for ending sounds in words.  Please practice these types of activities at home with your child.  The best part of these activities is that it doesn't require any materials or take a long time.  All you have to do is say "Can you think of a word that rhymes with dig?" or "What sound do you hear at the beginning of ball?"  "What do you hear at the end of mug?"

Sight words this week: a, the

We are working on counting!  We want the students to be able to count to 100 by the end of kindergarten fluently.  This means that they can count starting from any number.  Can you start counting at 8?  Can you count beginning at 87?  We are also learning how to count by 10s to 100!We are also exploring our math tools such as attribute blocks, unifix cubes, and pattern blocks.

Don't forget to check the type right corner of this blog for information about HOMEWORK!

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26-30

Quick reminders

  • Please send ONE snack to school each day.  Please pack it separately from the lunch.  
  • Please send a folder to school every day.  
  • Please return any paperwork such as the class phone directory and medical forms. 
Alphabet chart
This week an alphabet chart will come home for you to practice with your child.  Please say the name of the letter, the sound that it makes and trace the shape of the letter.  Please do this daily with your child. 

Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome to Kindergarten!

We are very excited to begin this new year in kindergarten!  We are looking forward to all of the new adventures and learning that will take place throughout the year. 

The Meet and Greet is on Tuesday, August 20.  You may choose to come during the morning session 10:00-11:00 or afternoon 3:30-4:30.  We are very excited to meet you!  Don't forget to bring your school supplies so that you don't have to carry them to school on the first day. 

Below is our contact information:

Karen Gallucci  330-562-6199 ext. 2218 or
Cyndi Haughey 330-562-6199 ext. 2199 or

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summer Notes

Dear Families,

We would like to take this time to thank you for everything this school year.  It has been a great year and we thank you for all of your thoughtfulness and support throughout. 

We have been working hard this year in literacy stations and have learned so much about how letters sound, reading strategies, and fluency.  We have been practicing in small groups 4-5 times a week with each child at their instructional reading level to make sure they met the end of kindergarten benchmark (Level D.)  Therefore, we would like to ensure the students maintain their level as they enter first grade.  (Each child will have their reading level noted in the comments section of the report card.)  Please practice reading for a few minutes several (3-4) times a week.  Here are the following areas that you can work on:

  1. Reading strategies--When your child comes to an unknown word, they need to "TRY SOMETHING!" Don't tell them! They can try one of the following strategies:
  • Get your mouth ready to make the first sound in the word and then look at the picture.
  • Chop the word, sound out the word, slide through the word
  • Go back and reread
  • Look for chunks in the word (find -at within splat)
  • Think:  Does that make sense?  I say to the students "I heard you that what it says in this story?"  See if they can fix the mistake without you showing it to them.
  • Skip the word and come back
  • Try a different vowel sound (try short vowel sound and then long vowel sound)
2.   Comprehension--Ask your child questions when they are finished reading a story.  Who was in the story?  Where did it happen?  Retell the story to me. Was there a problem in the story?  What happened in the beginning?  Middle? End?

3.  Fluency--phrased reading, not word by word reading.

In Math, we have been working diligently on becoming fluent within 5.  This means that we can be automatic with adding and subtracting numbers up to 5.  Please continue to practice these flashcards over the summer if you find that this is not yet automatic for your child.

Thank you again for all of the support you have given us and your child throughout the year!  We hope you have a relaxing and fun summer!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 28-31

Reminders for next week
  • No School on Monday!
  • Thursday is our end of the year party.  Remember to wear your tie-dye t-shirt, sunscreen and a bottle of water.
  • Friday is our last day of kindergarten!  Report cards will come home with your child.  Your child will not be able to purchase a school lunch or milk on Friday.  Please make sure your child has a packed lunch!
  • We are collecting all of the "book in a bag".  Please make sure you return them to school. 
  • Please make sure you return all library books.

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13-31

Important News
  • Please remember to send back your "book in a bag".  We will be collecting all of the books since we are close to the end of the year!
  • Please remember to turn in your library books.
  • Wear your tie-dye t-shirt on Thursday, May 30 for our end of the year party.
Field Trip
  • We will visit Craddock on Wednesday, May 22 for a tour of the school and to meet a first grade teacher.  Look for permission slips to come home this week. 
Language Arts
  • We will be learning about living and non-living things.  We will begin a unit on seeds.  We are planting a seed in our classroom and are watching it grow!
  • We will be reviewing all concepts learned this year. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tie-dye t-shirts!

We are excited to see how our tie-dye shirts turn out!  Please remember to wear them on Tuesday, May 7 and Thursday, May 30! We can't wait to see everyone in our class color! Mrs. Haughey's class is red and Mrs. Gallucci's class is purple.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 29-May 3 & May 6-10

Important News
  • Please wear old clothes to school on Monday, April 29 for Tie-dye day!  The tie-dye t-shirts will come home on Monday.  It will include washing instructions. 
  • Spring Music Concert is Friday, May 3 at 9:30.
  • Field Day is Tuesday, May 7.  Please make sure your child is wearing tennis shoes and has a water bottle. 
  • We will being completing end of the year assessments during the month of May.  Therefore, please make sure your child is well rested and eats a healthy breakfast. 
  • Please continue to work on sight words and math facts. 
  • Please return your "book in a bag" as we are going to be concluding this program for the year and we would like to have all of our books returned.  Thank you!
Language Arts and Science
We will begin a unit on insects.  We will learn about all types of insects!  Have you heard about the caterpillars that we have been observing in our classroom?  We have been writing in our journals about our observations.  Now, we are waiting for them to make a chrysalis.

We will continue to talk about long vowel sounds, and adding -s and -es to make plural nouns.

We will continue our unit on place value and practice our math fluency facts to 5.  We will solve addition and subtraction story problems. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Earth Day

Today, we were Earth Protectors and picked up trash along the trail behind Miller School.  We filled 4 garbage bags with trash!  We want to keep our Earth clean!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

 Dear Parents,
          The school year is coming to an end and we will be celebrating  our kindergarten year with some final fun activities.   However, before the end of the year, we would like to do a special project.  Each class will be making tie-dye t-shirts to wear to the end of the year events (PE field day and end of the year party).  They will be coordinated so that each class will be wearing a different color.  Therefore, we need your help.

          Please send in one plain white t-shirt.  Please wash and dry it before you send it to school so that the dye will adhere well to the t-shirt.   Please write your child’s name on the tag and send it in a plastic grocery bag.  We would like to have all the t-shirts by Wednesday, April 24 if possible.  When we send home the tie-dyed t-shirts we will include special washing instructions.

          If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher. 


                                                          Thank you,

                                                          Kindergarten Teachers

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 15-19 and April 22-26

Language Arts, Science and Social Studies
For the next two weeks, our focus is on how to keep our Earth clean.  We will be learning about recycling and ways to take care of our planet.  We will be reading various stories including Recycle It, Where does all the Garbage Go, and Saving our Planet.   We will also continue to work on comprehension skills such as main idea, cause and effect and drawing conclusions.  During writing workshop, we will write about all the information we have learned about taking care of our Earth.

We have been focusing on fluency with the addition and subtraction facts to 5. You may have seen some timed tests come home. We are practicing completing 10 math facts in one minute.  We will continue our unit on place value. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

April 1-5 and April 8-12

Important News
  • Please remember to send back the "book in a bag" so that your child can continue to practice the skills that they learn in guided reading.  Please remind your child to change their book daily.
  • If you get a book in a bag that says "please return tomorrow" it is very important that you send it back to school the next day because it is one of our guided reading books.  Thank you!
Language Arts
  • We will be learning about the Earth, Sun and Moon for the next two weeks.  We will be reading many non-fiction books including Earth and Moon and Watching the Night Sky.  Ask your child to share some information that they have learned.  We will write in our journals about this information.  We will also focus on the comprehension skill of comparing and contrasting.
  • We will be learning about blends such as bl, cl, fl, gl, br, cr, dr, etc.
  • We will continue to focus on lowercase letters during handwriting.
  • We have been focusing on fluency with the addition and subtraction facts to 5.  You may have seen some timed tests come home in the last week.  We are practicing completing 10 math facts in one minute. 
  • We will begin a unit on place value. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Leprechauns at Miller School

We made leprechaun masks so that we could trick the leprechaun into giving us his gold!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Right to Read Week Activities

Right to Read Week is next week--March 18-22! 

 Below is the agenda for Right to Read Week, March 18th-March 22nd, 2013.  The chosen theme for the week is “Miller School, Miller School, What do you Read?” and our author focus will be Bill Martin Jr.  Throughout the week, Miller School will be promoting reading through various fun activities and of course, by celebrating the importance of reading! In addition to this, each child will also be receiving a special book from the Aurora PTO as a gift.  We encourage you to help your child become a successful reader by having your child read to you each night, or by reading to your child!

 Monday, March 18, 2012- Wear a shirt that has letters! Please have your child wear a shirt that has letters!
Tuesday, March 19, 2012-Wear a shirt with numbers!  Please have your child wear a shirt that has numbers!

Wednesday, March 20, 2012- Wear Your Pajamas!  Today we ask that your child wear their pajamas to school! **Evening Bedtime Stories in the Miller gymnasium from 7:00-7:30!

 Thursday, March 21, 2013- Wear a shirt with an animal! Anything goes!

Friday, March 22, 2012-Celebrating being “GREEN” men! Help us celebrate keeping our environment clean by wearing “GREEN” men gear!  It is Aurora Spirit day!

We hope you and your child will have a fun, enjoyable week together celebrating the importance of reading!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dental Health

Thank you VERY much to Mrs. Kinkopf (Mrs. Haughey's Class) and Mrs. Blum (Mrs. Gallucci's Class) for teaching us about how to keep our teeth healthy and strong.  Mrs. Kinkopf gave each student in Mrs. Haughey's class a bag full of dental supplies including a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss.  Thank you very much for helping us keep our teeth clean!

Mrs. Blum came in to Mrs. Gallucci's class to share some information and to show us how to brush, floss and use mouthwash.   She also shared 2 stories about ways to keep our teeth healthy and what happens when we get a cavity.  Each student in Mrs. Gallucci's class brought home toothpaste and a smiley sticker to help us remember to take good care of our smile!  Thank you very much!

March 11-15

  • Our supply of wipes and tissues is running low.  If you would like to donate one of these items we would greatly appreciate it!
  • Please make sure you pack one healthy snack for your child each day.
  • Please remember to send back the "book in a bag". 
  • Practice math fluency flashcards
  • Practice sight words and bonus words
  • Read to your child daily and ask questions about what they read/heard.
Right to Read Week is coming up!  March 18-22!  This is a week that we get to celebrate reading in a ton of fun ways.  Look for the information about Right to Read Week to come home next week in the Miller newsletter and on our blog!

This week we will be reading the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  We also read several other versions of this story and compare and contrast them by discussing the characters, setting and plot.  We will begin to work on L blends such as fl, cl, bl, etc.

We will continue to work on addition and subtraction.  Please continue to practice the flashcards with your child.  Please use manipulatives (cheerios, cotton balls, goldfish crackers, etc.) if your child is having difficulty with solving the equations.

Friday, February 22, 2013

February 25- March 8

Dental Health
     Over the next two weeks, we will be focusing on dental health.  Your child will be reading books to learn about dental health as well as see demonstrations how to properly brush and floss their teeth. At home this week, please have a conversation with your child about the importance of brushing their teeth and help them with flossing after daily brushing.

Math News
    Thank you to all of the parents who have sent cool whip containers to school with your child, this is greatly appreciated. However, we are still in need of additional containers. If you have any extra containers, please send them to school with your child. This would be a huge help to our learning of factors of 5 and above.
    Pleas continue to practice math facts with your child at home. Your child brought home a sheet of math flash cards which consists of addition and subtraction equations. Please cut apart the cards and use them to practice with your child. If your child is having difficulty with the flash cards, use various objects around the house to help your child visualize the math equations which they are attempting to solve. Some ideas for objects you can use are; goldfish crackers, cotton balls, m&m's, beans, Legos, or any small object.

Outdoor Recess
    The weather is still cold and snow is still on the ground. Please make sure that you are sending proper snow attire to school with your child so they can enjoy their outdoor recess!

Have a wonderful two weeks!
Miss Sicurezza

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 11-15 & 18-22

Important News
  • No School on Friday or Monday!
  • If you have any small plastic bowls/containers (cool whip or butter containers would work), could you please donate them to add to our math tools?  Thank you!
  • A HUGE thank you to the PTO for adding new equipment to our playground.  We have more swings and 2 new basketball hoops!  How exciting! Thank you!!
  • Valentine information came home.  Please make sure your child makes a valentine for EVERY child in the class. 
  • Please make sure your child has the proper attire for outside recess.  
Language Arts & Social Studies
The next TWO weeks we will be learning about Presidents, American symbols and Maps.  Can your child name one symbol they have learned?  We will learn about the Statue of Liberty, bald eagle, American flag, Mt. Rushmore and the White House.  The students also learned that the President works in the Oval Office.  We have also learned about the first and current President.  Can your child name them?  We will also be creating maps of our classroom. 

We are working on various activities that focus on the combinations of five.  We are also practicing counting to 100 focusing on the teens.  Please practice writing the numbers in the teens. 

The 100th Day of Kindergarten!

We had so much fun celebrating the 100th day of Kindergarten! Here are some of our projects.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentine Information

The Valentine information will be coming home this week.  Please note that we are asking that you cut out and glue the picture of the student on the valentine.  This will make it easier for the students to deliver the valentines to their classmates.  We will be making bags at school for all of our valentines this week.  Please note: our Valentine party is on Thursday, February 14. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

100th Day Project

Dear Kindergarten Families,

If your child is finished with the 100th day of school project, you can send it to school anytime.   We will share our projects on Thursday and Friday of this week! 

Have a great week!

Friday, January 18, 2013

January 21-25

  • 100th day of school project
  • Please practice writing the numbers 1-20.
  • Please remember to return your "book in a bag" so that your child can pick a new book at his/her level.  We have updated all of the reading levels and would like your child to be reading on his/her instructional level.
Important News
  • 100th Day of Kindergarten Celebration will be on Friday, February 1.  (even though it is the 101st day of kindergarten!)  We will be sharing our projects and enjoying a 100th day snack.
Language Arts
  • For the next three weeks, we will be learning about the ocean through several fiction and non-fiction books.  We will be focusing on the comprehension skills setting, compare and contrast and main idea.  When reading with your child at home, try asking them these types of comprehension questions.
  • We will continue working on becoming fluent within 5 (knowing what numbers go together to make 5).  We will begin working toward 10.  We are also begin addition.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

100th Day of School Project

100th Day Project

We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Friday, January 31! We will be celebrating with lots of hundreds day activities all week.  We will be sorting, grouping, graphing and of course counting.  We also have a project for the whole family to do. 

         Here is the assignment.  Make a collection of 100 of the SAME thing.  (Suggestions include:  buttons, shells, pennies, stickers, cotton balls, Cheerios, etc.)  You can glue them on poster board or whatever works best for you.  BE CREATIVE!!!  My suggestion is that you glue them in groups of ten to make it easier to count both as you make it and as we share them with the class.  These projects need to be brought to school on Friday, February 1st.  Thanks for your help.  I can’t wait to see them!

                                                         Have fun,

                                                        Mrs. Gallucci

                                                        Mrs. Haughey


P.S.  If you would like to donate a treat for our 100th day celebration, please count out 100 of that snack with your child.  (such as pretzels, marshmallows, skittles, fruit snacks, goldfish crackers, cheerios, candy hearts, jelly beans, etc.)  Please do not send anything with peanuts/tree nuts.

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 7-11

Happy New Year!

FYI from the Lunchroom
If your child buys lunch or milk, you can send in a larger sum of money all at once ($5-10). We will apply it to your account and each time your student buys milk or lunch it will be deducted from that amount. If you choose this method, you won't have to send money in each day that your child is buying lunch/milk.

Cultural Heritage Project
The cultural heritage projects were amazing!  Thank you for sharing your culture with our class.  We learned so much about various countries around the world.  The children really enjoyed learning about the foods, flags, clothing, and watching videos of the different types of dance.  We hope that your child shared something they learned with you.

Winter Clothes
Winter is here and so is the snow!  Please pack an extra pair of gloves and socks in your child's backpack in case they get wet. Also, if you would like to keep an extra pair of pants and socks at school, please send them in a large ziploc bag with your child's name on it. We will keep them in our classroom in case your child gets wet at recess and needs to change. Thank you! 

Language Arts
For the next two weeks, we will be learning about Antarctica through a non-fiction story called If You Could Go to Antarctica.  We will learn about the plants and animals that live there and other interesting facts.  Please ask your child what they know about Antarctica.  We will also be using the facts that we learned in our writing to persuade someone to travel to Antarctica.  Would you like to go?

We will continue to practice the activities and skills from previous weeks.  Please refer to the tip sheet that came home on Friday for additional activities that you can do with your child at home to reinforce and practice skills.